The Fight against Crime-free Law

There was a time when my local-family owned business and Granite city co-existed peacefully (for some 25 years). However, problems with the city have become more common, and especially more blatant beginning in 2012 (See filed complaint with the city for summary).

Summary Documents (Complaints):

These documents include summary’s of several current and past problems in Granite city in an easy to follow format without the need for a complete understanding of my disputes with Granite.

Filed Complaint against Granite city – A 7 page document detailing several issues I have had with Granite city that led to my refusal to purchase a 2019 business license.

Exhibit Z for Iowa Dispute (Interactive)– A document filed with the city for the eviction dispute over Iowa explaining my refusal to evict an entire family because one person was accused of a crime.

My Problem with Crime-Free Housing: A page detailing the effects of the crime-free housing program and the power it gives to municipal officials to unequally and unfairly target individuals.

Cases and Disputes:

These are current and past cases where the city has acted inappropriately, through the issuance of unjust demands/verdicts, or what could only be explained as incompetence. Relevant case documents are available for viewing on each case’s dedicated page.


My refusal to begin Eviction

Granite city demands that I evict a customer and his entire family because my customer’s son was accused (but not convicted) of a crime. I have refused to begin eviction proceedings, therefore this case is still active. Exhibits are available on the dedicated page for viewing, X, Y, Z are currently available and have been filed in my defense.

Ticket 2016ov400378

After notifying the city of people staying at my property without my permission and requesting their eviction, I was ticketed for allowing those same illegal occupants to stay at my property. I was eventually arrested over this violation, however, all charges were dismissed after. My son’s $600 paid for my bail was never fully returned despite being found innocent.

CITATIONS 54540/54541

Fined $750 for code violations at a house I did not own. Attended three court appearances, notifying the city that I did not own the house, and they should ticket the actual owner. Regardless, city decided to fine me for not having a business license for the property.

Citations 0500085848/0500085849

Fined $1500 for “missing” a court date I was present at with witnesses.

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