Exhibit Z

Written statement for 6-3-19 Appeal Hearing regarding my business license, in the event that I am unable to appear
Summoned to court by Granite city to answer for my refusal to evict my customer and his family (click to enhance)

I have always purchased my required business licenses for Granite city, and have acquiesced to crime-free police demands in order to keep said licenses.

However, major issues are becoming more frequent and severe. As an example, in 2013 at the hearing to revoke my business license, I was given just two weeks to relocate a man and his entire family because a crime-free police search of their home and yard revealed an expired FOID card and a single, 18” marijuana plant.

I shamefully complied.

Then 2015 gave rise to another major dispute, when I was told by crime-free police that I must evict an expecting mother from her home, because her boyfriend had been accused of a crime (stealing a phone and resisting arrest). Note: it turns out the phone was never stolen in the first place, simply lost.

Yet, at my business license appeal, Granite city found me in violation of crime-free law, and that I must begin eviction proceedings or my business license would be revoked. Note: The mother they demanded I evict was not accused of any crime.

I begrudgingly complied, albeit as slowly as I could afford to, yet I still continued to purchase my Granite city business license year after year.

More recently, on 3-27-19, I received a letter from crime-free police demanding that I begin eviction proceedings on yet another customer, this time an entire family because crime-free police have accused their son of a crime. It is my understanding that the accused son claims to be innocent, and has not been convicted of a crime.

I am called to appear in court on 6-3-19 to show cause for my refusal to begin eviction proceedings, if my cause is deemed insufficient I will once again be declared in violation of Granite city crime-free law, and my business license would be subject to being revoked (if I had one).

Pleased be advised:

  • If the son is found to be guilty at trial, then it is for the court to issue his punishment, not I.
  • If the court decides that the son is too dangerous too stay with his parents, then it is for the court to decide where he should live.
  • I refuse to evict an entire family because of the alleged crimes of one family member. Exhibit W

Also see the relevant Defendant case filings, ticket 378.

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